Sunday, March 9, 2008

Inherited Traits--take the survey!

The boys and I have been working on an Inherited Traits project this past year, as an extension of our study of genetics and family history, which we started last year. We've set up a survey at for family members to take; we'll be collecting, analyzing and presenting the data later this spring in a way that will combine science, math, art, and writing for the boys.

We still need non-family members to take the survey as part of our control group. If you'd like to spend about ten minutes answering questions (can you do the vulcan hand sign? do you have mid-digit hair on your fingers? webbed toes? do you have dimples? etc), please click We'd very much appreciate your help with this, and will include you in our updates.

This project has taken on new meaning in the last few weeks, obviously. You should know, too, that Luke and Dominick are bloggers as well, though since they are so busy, their posts are not as regular as they could be. That said, they've put a lot of work into them. Fingal Who?,, deals with all things related to our G-P family project, including the inherited traits survey, while Valley Views and Muse, at is billed as "A Guide to the Valley Vibe, a Preponderance of Jibe, the Happening Scribe, and the Occasional Bribe, with such features as Day Trippers, Local Bites, Green Giants, Weekly Muse, Valley Lens, Phat Phives, Boggle-licious words of the week, and the North Poll." All bits are written by the boys. Enjoy!

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