Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to my dear old Dad today, who is off sailing the coast of Maine with some old college buddies. Wherever you are, Dad, I hope the fog has lifted, the wind is filling your sails with excitement and speed, and the sun has come out to set the water asparkle and the sky ablaze with color. I love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Liz, for your birthday greetings via your amazing blog, which Mimi and I have just caught up with. This edition of your blog is one of the best of high quality conversations and revelations. I particularly liked the way you mentioned and thanked the family and friends from Exeter, Williams ruggers, and others you have met on your journey of self discovery, challenge, terror, courage, and recovery--it was nice to read about Kit and Martha, both of whom ask about you constantly. Martha is looking forward so much to seeing you here today, as are we all, father, brothers, Hannah, and Mimi. Thanks for fitting us into your incredibly busy schedule. I love you, Dad