Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Help me reach my goal for the Boston Breast Cancer 3-Day!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Liz -
I talked to my girlfriend, Francesca, and we would like to dedicate our July "Nan-and-Fran-Turn-50" party as a fundraiser to support the cause. We haven't picked the date yet but I'll be sure to keep you posted as we firm up details for the bash.

Anonymous said...

I was very interested in your blog because you wrote about Dr. Pitts. I went back and read everything where you mentioned her. I am going to have a procedure by her and your take on her is exactly what my impression has been: warm, competent, really great. The secretary, however, is a whole other thing... I wish you continued good health.

zilekulmod productions said...

Nan! What a fabulous treat to log on and find your comment--and your offer to dedicate your 50th bash as a fundraiser for the Boobies! thank you so much--hope you'll be in touch again, Liz